Thursday, March 12, 2020

Fairygodboss of the Week Kathryn Sollmann

Fairygodboss of the Week Kathryn Sollmann Entrepreneur and author Kathryn Sollmann knows the definition of personal growth. She has started 5+ companies based on her ambitions, and now works full-time to help women find flexible work options.Her book, will be on the shelves October 9th. But before her big debut, this Fairygodboss talked self-confidence and how to measure success.Fairygodboss of the Week Kathryn SollmannFounder, 9 Lives for WomenGreater New York City AreaTell us a little about your career. How did you get to where you are now?It all started when I was an avid groupie of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. I wanted to be Mary Richards (clothes, apartment, job), and I was career minded from a very early age. I was always very entrepreneurial. I had a catering business in college and Ive launched several businesses with and without partners (investment-related publishing, marketing communications, and two different businesses focused on current and returning professional women). Early in my career, I had two long stints as an employee (training development at a big accounting firm and conference programming at Institutional Investor magazine). But since then, I have loved the freedom of creating many different initiatives that fit in and around my life.What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?Selling my book to a major publisher.Ambition Redefined Why the Corner bro Doesnt Work for Every Woman What to Do Instead is now C-Suite. My book helps women find many flexible, lucrative, professional ways to work, care for their family and achieve long-term financial security.What is a challenge that youve faced and overcome?Twice in my career, I walked away from a business that I created from scratch. Thesewere difficult, emotional decisions,but I knew in both cases that I was no longer in personal growth mode. Sometimes you have to go through that discomfort to get to a more fulfilling and healthy other side.Who is YOUR Fairygodboss? and Why?I have two Fa irygodbosses my two daughters (ages 27 and 18). Theyve always kept me on my toes, challenged and broadened my thinking, and provided endless inspiration to find ways to help all generations of women blend work and life.What do you do when youre not working?Im a big foodie. Im always reading recipes and thinking about something new to cook. A very sophisticated professional woman got me into knitting a couple of years ago, and I love seeking out high-end yarns and getting lost in a project after a long day. Im an avid reader and the Kindle saves me from lugging six books in my suitcase. And when Im not working, Im usually forcing myself to exerciseIm a new fan of pilates.If you could have dinner with one famous persondead or alivewho would it be?Sheryl Sandberg. I admire how she empowered women to stand up for themselves and lean in to their highest potential. But I think she forgot about the family partand how hard it is for everyday women (with everyday bank accounts) to blend work and life.My sense is that Sheryl engaged lots of younger women (as womens professional organizations tend to do) who havent yet reached that tipping point of realizing the C-Suite isnt easy for a woman who has the other big jobs of caring for multiple children and elderly parents. Lean in is the cart before the horse. We cant forget about helping women with step one they need morefoundational support from employers so they dont topple over while theyre leaning in. And women should also be able to lean in to more flexible work without judgments that they are not ambitious enough.Sheryl and I have a lot to talk about over a good dinner (maybe I would cook).Lightning Round What is your favorite movie?Out of Africa is an all-time favorite. But I always tell people to watch a less well-known film, Return to Paradise. The latter is a haunting movie that is great dinner conversation, trying to answer What would you have done?Lightning Round What book would you bring with you on a desert i sland?Time and Again by Jack Finney. Such a greatlove story. Id love to travel back to late 1800s or early 1900s New York City.Lightning Round What is your shopping vice? What would you buy if you won the lottery?Online clothes shopping, I guess. I love the convenience and the huge selection. If I won the lottery, Id start a few other businesses that are percolating in my head, buy a house on Lake Como, and an apartment in Paris. Then, Id fill every available wall with seascape oil paintings.What is the 1 career tip youd like to share with other women who want to have successful careers like you?My best career advice is not get to the top. It is stay at it. Always, always find work that fits your life. Plan for lifes surprises. Make sure you earn, save, and invest toward a long and comfortable retirement. Explore the ever-widening world of flexwork, and youll find many interesting and exciting ways to tuck all generations of your family into a future that is financially secure and s afe.Why do you love where you work?I work in a home sekretariat in a very pastoral setting with lots of gardens and mature trees, big fields, lovely views and the occasional sounds of a nearby farm. The best co-worker Ive ever had is always at my feet a three-year-old black lab.Fairygodboss is all about women helping other women - so each week, we celebrate a woman who made a difference in another womans career. Is there a woman who has made a difference in your career?Celebrate her and thank her by nominating her here.

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