Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Holiday Networking Guide - Copeland Coaching

Holiday Networking Guide Its hard to imagine that todays the first day of December! It feels like the summer festivals were just yesterday. The best part about this time of year for job seekers is networking. One of the biggest mistakes people make is putting their job search on hold during December. We decide that companies arent hiring anyway and we shift 100% of our focus toward enjoying the holidays with family and loved ones. Dont get me wrong. Enjoying the holidays is a big priority! But, you can continue your search while you have fun. This time of year, there are many holiday parties to attend. These events are a fantastic time to network. Youll reconnect with old contacts and make new ones. Before jumping onto the party circuit, there are a few things to keep in mind: RSVP: If a party requests an RSVP, be sure to put yours in. It shows respect to the host, and can help with planning. If you are nervous to go alone, request to bring a plus one. Most hosts dont mind and its not hard to find a friend who would love to join you. Dress: Do your best to find out the dress code in advance. Jeans are appropriate at some events while others require fancy cocktail attire. If you arent sure what to wear, try selecting something that could be considered dressy or casual like black pants and a simple shirt. Business Cards: Your networking efforts will be totally ineffective if you have no way to seal the deal. Bring your business cards, so youre sure to get the contact information for those you meet. When you get home, follow up in e-mail and connect on LinkedIn. Dont Be Shy: Networking is hard for most people. Its not just you. If you feel nervous at events, set little goals for yourself, such as talking to 3 new people. Arrive on time and come prepared with simple questions to use as conversation starters like, Do you have any fun plans this weekend? The more you practice you have going to events, the easier it becomes. Drinking: Having a cocktail or two at a holiday party can be fun. But, be sure to keep the amount youre drinking in check. You want to be able to put your best foot forward. And, you want to be able to drive home safely. Having a fresh DUI on your driving record could make landing your dream job much harder. If you do find yourself having a bit too much to drink, call a cab, Uber, or Lyft. Its easy. And, the $50 for a ride home will save you many thousands in the legal fees youd face for being arrested. If you arent sure where to find the holiday parties this season, start by checking with the clubs or organizations youre a member of. For those in Memphis, you can check with leadership organizations such as Leadership Memphis or New Memphis Institute. Other good places to look are, and You can also check local community calendars, such as RSVP Magazines online calendar. No matter which parties you choose, I hope you have a wonderful time! Make lots of new connections and stay safe this holiday season. I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, dont hesitate to reach out to me here. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If youve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. Thanks. Happy hunting! Angela Copeland @CopelandCoach

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